
Taught our friends one of our favorite games! Great night of food and fellowship!


A very concerned young man once asked: “So you work all day, then come home and clean, make dinner, and do dishes?” Ummmmm no, not always. Sometimes we work at night too… And we thank the Lord we have jobs!


Visited new friends in Brackney, PA and visited a church in Vestal. It's great to rub shoulders with good people. We had great food and great company! I learned a lot from that family of thirteen!


Great dinner with Rod, Annie and Dominic! And soon, we will meet baby numero dois!


Enjoyed a wonderful weekend with at the Pastor's house of the church plant we were involved with. Double dated with old friends and had an all around great time!


Praying for a lot of strength as we continue to get better and face a very busy work schedule for March!