
English subtitles and more!

Watching T.V. has never been a big deal for us but we received 3 months free cable with our internet package, so we've been checking it out. Biggest letdown ever is watching a movie you love, DUBBED, in another language. Even Maicol would prefer the movie in English! Next biggest letdown is watching the movie in English with (other language) subtitles,and focusing on how to translate it differently, rather than just enjoying the movie. You just can't stop reading it! Although this is not a true catastrophy, it is a "low" of daily life. However, sitting down today and finding that the green button on our remote can switch some movies to English - HIGH! Yes! Denzel Washington has some classics...

High: 97F (humidty can make an actual 97F seem refreshing, it felt like 105F)

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